Planning ahead for your night out
- Plan ahead to make sure you have a safe night out.
- Make sure you space drinks with water to stay hydrated.
- Never get into a car if the driver has been drinking or taking drugs.
- Don’t drink more than 4 standard drinks on any occasion.
There are a number of ways you can look after yourself and your friends before, during and after a night out.
Tips for a safe night out
Below are some tips on how to make sure your day or night is a memorable one, and not for the wrong reasons.
- Have a good night’s sleep and/or nap before you go out.
- Eat a substantial meal before going out and snack throughout the night.
- Wear light clothing to avoid overheating.
- If you are drinking alcohol, space each drink with a water to avoid dehydration.
- Know where the free water stations are, and top up regularly.
- Avoid energy drinks and other stimulants if you are drinking alcohol, because one can mask the effect of the other and you may drink more than you intended. Your blood alcohol will still rise and your coordination will still be affected even though you may not feel drunk.
- Take time out to rest and cool down.
- Make sure you have enough money for food, water and a taxi or public transport home.
- Make sure you carry identification cards, such as a student card, your driver’s licence, Proof of Age card or passport.
- Keep your mobile phone with you.
- Let people at home know what time to expect you back.
- Keep an eye on your friends and make sure they are ok.
- Never leave your friends in case something goes wrong and you, or they, need to get help.
- Keep within the recommended NHMRC guidelines of not drinking more than 4 standard drinks on a single occasion.
Getting home safely after a night out
Never get in a car if the driver has been drinking alcohol or taking other drugs.
If you have driven your own car and end up drinking alcohol or taking other drugs while you are out, leave your car where it is and find a safe way home with a sober friend or family member, or by taxi or public transport.
Find out more about catching a taxi (external site) or using public transport (external site) to get home.
If don’t have a suitable way to get home, you may need to call a sober friend or a parent for help – they may be annoyed at the time but it is more important that you get home safely.
Where to get help
- Call one of the Alcohol and Drug Support Line 24 hour support lines (external site) – providing confidential counselling, information, advice and referral
- For emergency or life-threatening conditions, visit an emergency department or dial triple zero (000) to call an ambulance – police are not called unless a death has occurred or ambulance officers are threatened
- See your doctor
- Visit healthdirect (external site) or call 1800 022 222
This information provided by

Mental Health Commission
This publication is provided for education and information purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical care. Information about a therapy, service, product or treatment does not imply endorsement and is not intended to replace advice from your healthcare professional. Readers should note that over time currency and completeness of the information may change. All users should seek advice from a qualified healthcare professional for a diagnosis and answers to their medical questions.