Manage My Care – frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Download the frequently asked questions (PDF 196KB)

Who can use Manage My Care?
What is a U/R and where can I find it?
Why can’t I add a patient?
Which appointments can I see?
Why can't I see my appointment?
Where can I see the location of my appointment?
Why do some of my telephone appointments indicate a specific time and others indicate morning or afternoon only?
I received an email about a new appointment or an update to my appointment. How do I know which appointment this email relates to?
Why can't I see my referral?
What does the status of my referral mean?
Why has my appointment or referral disappeared?
Why can I request to reschedule or cancel an appointment for some of my appointments but not others?
How can I undo a request to reschedule an appointment or cancel a referral?
Why has a patient disappeared from my account?
How to remove a patient from your account?
How to remove myself from someone else’s Manage My Care account?
How do I deactivate or delete my account?
Where can I provide feedback about the app?
My question is not answered here. Where can I find further support?

Where to get help

Last reviewed: 16-08-2024